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Los Javis " Jabali "
106,00 €
Maestro mezcalero : Hernandez Escobar Family
Production site: Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca (Mexico)
Production method: 100% traditionally handcrafted
Variety of agave: Agave Convallis / Jabali
Alcohol content : 47,80°
Agave cutting tools: Coa and machete
Kind of oven: Conical oven dug underground
Cooking wood: Green oak
Grinding: Chilean tahona from quarry (round millstone pulled by a horse)
Fermentation: Natural in pine vats
Distillation: Copper stills and cooling coils
Number of distillations: 2
Aging: 0
Production site: Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca (Mexico)
Production method: 100% traditionally handcrafted
Variety of agave: Agave Convallis / Jabali
Alcohol content : 47,80°
Agave cutting tools: Coa and machete
Kind of oven: Conical oven dug underground
Cooking wood: Green oak
Grinding: Chilean tahona from quarry (round millstone pulled by a horse)
Fermentation: Natural in pine vats
Distillation: Copper stills and cooling coils
Number of distillations: 2
Aging: 0
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